As a someone with allergies, I know the problems you face -- limited resources, confusing information and little if any support for a condition whose symptoms alone can be completely overwhelming. Most of all, I know the fear, hurt, and uncertainty that this brings.
I created Living Life Without consulting and personal coaching to provide you with the mentoring, support and assistance I wish I’d had - to make your life and your family’s life more manageable and even fun as you learn to live without.
I serve the greater Baltimore and Washington DC areas.
Living Life Without offers support with one-on-one training and support for family and friends.
For groups, I offer gluten free and/or dairy free cooking classes and educational seminars. For individuals, I provide one-on-one personal coaching and grocery store trips to help you learn to easily distinguish foods on the shelf that are safe and not.
I found out shortly after I had my second son that I was allergic to the whey protein, a protein found in all dairy products. As I waded through this uncertain world I also found that by eliminating my gluten intake all my symptoms of fibromyalgia disappear. Three years later, I am gluten- and whey-free. Healthy, happy living a very full life.
Based on this experience, I have a lot of knowledge to share and give to other, and this is how Living Life Without began. I want to help families who are living with allergies to help guide them through this journey. Once you have the tools you need to cook, snack and enjoy life you'll be on your way to a fulfilling and healthy life without gluten or dairy.
Let me help you.
I offer one or two hour consulting sessions in the Baltimore and Washington DC metro area. I also offer a packet of information which outlines how to set up your home kitchen for gluten free and/or dairy free cooking. It includes 12 family friendly recipes to get you started and a list of pantry items you should always have stocked in your kitchen. Please email me for pricing details.
Please contact me at livinglifewithout at
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